It's been a long time up until recently since I looked at my blog, I've always just sort of done it for myself anyway, I rarely tell anyone about it or get anyone to look at it, I don't advertise it at all, originally I wanted it to be perfect first, being a Virgo I'm at bit of a perfectionist you see... But then it got to a point where I'd put thing's of a personal nature up and I couldn't decide whether putting. Direct link to it up on my facebook was a good idea or not, I'm still not exactly sure what I think or where I stand on this now.
I started this blog quite a while ago now and posts became more regular when I had started seeing someone, in a way I sort of thought that I was taking my thoughts from what it was and using it as inspiration for some of the posts, when it ended before my previous post I was reluctant to flick through my previous posts viewing it from start to finish like a book as I usually enjoyed doing, simply because there are obviously a lot of coupley photos up and I thought it might make me sad or bring on a bout of emotion, because of his reason I avoided it for quite some time. Recently though, and by recently I mean the last couple weeks I had a look at it and to my surprise it didn't make me sad at all, quite the opposite intact, it actually made me smile. I realized that all those romantic photos I had up were really nothing to do with that person, they were to do with me. I am a romantic, I always have been, this I know. The photos didn't make me sad, they made me happy and they reminded me not of the person but of who I am and all the great thing's that are happening to me now. I thought about deleting thing's that were associated them before, maybe that seems a bit silly, but I like fresh starts and clean slates. Thing's with that person didn't work out, they weren't who I thought they were, but, the pain that I associated with that person I now realize has nothing to o with them, they didn't hurt me' the familiarity of the situation did and once I recognized that I just got stronger. I don't regret that thing's with him didn't work out thing's didn't work out with the per on that I dated after that either, or the person after that ...but you know what, sometimes it takes a few bad situations to help make you realize just how great the really good ones are. I've met someone now, it's early, and he does a thousand thing's that make me smile. When I look at those photo's now, it just makes me think of what each one of those thing's is.
Wishing you all love, lust, happiness, health and wealth. It's the new year of new beginnings and positive change Is in the air.
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