What is your current obsession? Revlon nail polish in peach nectar and coral me wild, green tea with sliced ginger, jasmine oil and M83
What are you wearing today? White t-shirt and my Bettina Liano's
What's for dinner today? Veal mignon
Why is today special? Because tomorrow i have to work
What would you like to learn to do? Eventually i want to be able to speak French, Spanish and Italian fluently
What's the last thing you bought? Almonds
What are you listening to right now? Skin of the night by M83, it's amazing!!!
Which language do you want to learn? Is this a coincidence?
What do you look for in a friend? Honesty and loyalty
What's your favorite piece of clothing in your closet? This lbd by Kate Hurst, it's probably the oldest thing in there but i adore it, it looks like a modern take on something Audrey Hepburn would wear.. apart from the lining
Any favorite models? Anja is my be all and end all, if i was a lesbian she would own my heart.
Style icons? I don't really have one, i go more by words than an actual person
Describe your personal style? A lot of black on black, tailored pieces and lbds, i used to never wear shoes that were anything less than 6 inches high but i've had to adopt a more sensible approach and wear flats sometimes now. in summer i live in white cotton dresses and if im going to wear a colour it's going to be blue, always looks nice with blonde hair.
What magazines do you religiously? Vogue, V magazine and Russh. sometimes Oyster.
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