What mood are you in? Optimistic and creative
What is your current obsession/addiction? Almond butter
What are you wearing today? Ramones tshirt and shorts
What are you drinking? Green tea as always :)
What's for dinner? Fish
What's the last thing you bought? Dark chocolate
What time did you get up this morning? 7:30 am
What was the last thing you watched? Breakfast at tiffany's... my new favorite movie
What are you listening to now? A guitar and a heart by m83
Which item from your closet are you wearing the most lately? my old sass & bide hulsey strutters
What's your favorite song at the moment? Shake your limbs by mattafix
What nicknames do you have? Lou, Louise, Penny lane, babycakes, kitten
Wish list item? This purple chloe bag i've been starring at every time i go to david jones
Who is your model crush (if any)? Anja Anja Anja! and Dewi has started working again recently so im excited
Who is your favorite designer? Honestly, i don't have one. Just keep it chic but simple, alot of black on black and nuetral toned pieces. Little black backless dresses are still my favorite.